Not only should Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising be a fundamental factor for bringing traffic with higher conversion prospects and increasing income, but also tracking tools must be used to measure the return on investment. At SalesGrow, we are proficient in maximising the ability of PPC to translate your business goals into real-life leads and KPIs being met. If you’ve never used this approach, or wish to optimise your system, our holistic strategy is tailored to provide the best outcome. Here is a guide on how you can make more money with the help of tactical PPC management services.

PPC management services

Finding the Right High-Intent Keywords


Zero In on Keywords That Matter

The backbone of any successful PPC campaign is selecting the right high-intent keywords. These are the terms potential customers use when they’re ready to buy. Conducting thorough keyword research is essential to find these golden keywords that align with what your business offers. Tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs can help you uncover these valuable keywords and strategically place them in your ad copy and landing pages.

Practical Tips and Examples

In the case of a company specialising in fitness gear, terms like ‘home gyms’ or ‘cheap treadmills’ might lure potential consumers right at the point of purchase; steer clear of negative keywords, as they will only waste your advertisement budget and embark on utilising long-tail terms that with low numbers of searches but register increased conversion rates as those individuals relate to their desired products.

Understanding Keyword Match Types

Now that you have a basic understanding of the importance of high-intent keywords, let’s step up to different keyword match types in PPC campaigns. Google Ads offers several match types: broad match, phrase match, exact match, and broad match modifier. Each match type determines how closely the keyword must match a user’s search query for your ad to appear.

  • Broad Match

Broad match is the default match type that allows your ad to show for searches that include misspellings, synonyms, related searches, and other relevant variations. While it provides the most reach, it may also attract less qualified traffic.

  • Phrase Match

Phrase match shows your ad for searches that include the meaning of your keyword. It provides more control than a broad match but still reaches a wide audience. For instance, if your keyword is “affordable treadmills,” your ad might appear for searches like “best affordable treadmills.”

  • Exact Match

Exact match offers the most control by displaying your ad only for searches that have the exact keyword or close variants with the same meaning. This match type can lead to higher relevance and better conversion rates.

  • Broad Match Modifier

We can use the broad match modifier to choose keywords more liberally than in the case of both the phrase and exact ones and more precisely than in the case of broad match. Inserting the “+” symbol before the terms will make these terms mandatory in the searcher’s query.

Crafting Persuasive Ad Copy

Make an Unforgettable First Impression

The ad copy is typically what customers see first about your business. When they land on one of your pages, this is what they look at first. It must captivate, be easily understood and explain your USP effectively. Aim to create an advertisement that captures attention, raises curiosity and prompts clicks by users

Focus on Benefits, Not Just Features

Instead of just listing features, demonstrate how your product or service helps people in your target market solve their problems or improve their lives. Assume you are a software company that provides project management tools; show how your software can help in simplifying workflow processes thereby increasing efficiency and minimising project turnaround time.

Creating resonance in your Ad Copy

Connecting with your audience on a personal level can notably enhance engagement. People often base their decisions on the feelings evoked while interacting through ads, so tapping into feelings like fear, excitement, or curiosity can be very beneficial for you as it drives more clicks and conversions.

Examples of Effective Strategies

  • Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): Highlight limited-time offers or exclusive deals to create urgency.
  • Curiosity: Pose questions or statements that compel users to look for more information.
  • Trust and Security: Use testimonials or guarantees to build trust and reassure potential customers.


Monitoring PPC Metrics for Campaign Optimisation

Use Data to Drive Decisions

Effective PPC management requires continuous monitoring and optimisation. Utilise Google Analytics and other analytical tools to track key metrics like click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and cost per acquisition (CPA). By analysing these metrics you can easily point out underperforming ads, ad groups, or keywords and make data-driven adjustments to improve your ads.

A/B Testing for Better Results

To find the perfect mix you will have to experiment with different headlines, descriptions, and CTAs. You will then know which combination resonates the most with your audience. This continuous refining of ad copy content can boost your CTR and drive filtered traffic to your website.

Conversion Tracking for PPC Success

Keep an Eye on What Really Counts

Conversion tracking is super helpful for keeping tabs on how your Google campaigns are doing. It works by tracking conversions, like when someone fills out a form, makes a purchase, or signs up. This way, you can directly connect the money you’re making to your PPC efforts. Once you have all this valuable info, you can smartly divvy up your budget and concentrate on the campaigns that bring in the best results.

Get to Know Your Customer’s Journey

Conversion tracking gives you insights into the customer journey, showing which touchpoints are most effective in driving conversions. For example, if remarketing ads lead to many conversions, it makes sense to invest more in these campaigns to maximise your ROI.

Setting Up Enhanced Conversion Tracking

Enhanced conversion tracking involves using additional data to provide more accurate conversion measurements. By integrating tools like Google Tag Manager and linking your CRM with your PPC campaigns, you can gain deeper insights into user behaviour and improve the accuracy of your conversion data.


Refining Audience Targeting for Improved ROI

Reach the Right People

Audience targeting is important to make sure your ads reach the most relevant audience. Continuously refine your targeting metrics according to demographics, interests, and behaviours. Now you have narrowed down your audience to those who are most likely to convert. All that’s left to do is to optimise your campaigns for better results.

Leverage Data Insights

The data insights from your PPC campaigns can be used to figure out the audience’s likings and their behaviour towards ads. Find out which age groups, locations, and interests are bringing in the most conversions. For example, if users in a specific location or age group convert at higher rates, adjust your targeting settings to concentrate more on these segments.